Genito-urinary, Reproductive - incontinence, infertility, IVF enhancement, PMS, irregular or painful menstruation, lack of or heavy menses, morning sickness, breech presentation, hot flashes and other menopausal concerns
Weight Loss - metabolism, overeating, digestive, cravings
Addiction - smoking, food, alcohol, drug
Other - feel free to ask if you don't see your condition listed here. This is only a partial list including some of the most common conditions we treat.
How does Acupuncture work? Acupuncture needles are very fine and made of stainless steel. Nothing is injected, in fact it is the needle itself which triggers your healing system. Your body perceives the needle as an invasion and responds by focusing its incredible healing powers to that area and related areas. Blood circulation is increased, natural painkillers/endorphins, anti-inflammatories and even stem cells are released into the bloodstream, muscles relax and repairing and rebuilding begin. The body, always striving to reproduce its original, healthy state, will attempt to correct anything that is not normal. When that happens, you get well!
Is there anything mystical or spiritual about Acupuncture? Mystical? ...No. Spiritual? ...Yes. We each have within us an incredibly effective healing system. When we injure, neglect or abuse ourselves, that healing system usually manages to restore us to a state of health and well being with nothing more than a little rest. Its nothing short of a miracle that we even exist with all of the germs and dangers trying to do us in at all times! If, however, we reach a state of imbalance, either physically, emotionally, or even spiritually, the healing process can be hindered. Acupuncture simply restores and rebalances your system, allowing the healing process to occur naturally.
What is the procedure? You will be asked about your condition and overall health. Your perception of the problem is an important part of the diagnosis. We will also feel your pulse and look at your tongue to gain insight into your condition. Based on your unique diagnosis, between five and fifteen acupuncture points will be selected. Disposable needles will be painlessly inserted and allowed to remain for approximately 20 to 30 minutes. Most people find acupuncture to be very relaxing. You may notice a sensation of warmth or heaviness at the needle site. This awareness is an indication that your healing system is beginning to concentrate on that area - a very good sign.
What should I expect after the treatment? Following treatment, you may notice immediate relief from your ailment, or you may experience the opposite - a temporary worsening of your condition. If you experience this "healing crisis" it indicates that your body is working on the problem and is almost always followed by relief. These can last anywhere from fleeting to 24 hours. It is also common to feel no difference in your condition until the third or fourth treatment, and then begin to improve. Regardless of how your body responds, we recommend that you commit to at least six consecutive treatments, at which time we evaluate your progress.
What can I do to help the treatment work better?
Drink plenty of water
Stay relaxed and calm for two hours following acupuncture treatment
As you improve, resume your normal activities gradually and gently
Always feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns
105 W. Lakeway Rd., Suite D., Gillette, WY (307) 686-2998